- To enhance the capacity of the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force to address drug endangered children in Plymouth County.
- Increase awareness about drug endangered children in Plymouth County
- Provide direct services and advocacy to Plymouth County drug endangered children.
United Way of Greater Plymouth County’s Family Center:
- The Family Center will utilize a portion of these grant funds to hire a Clinical Director to work directly with drug endangered children.
- The Clinical Director will work alongside Plymouth County Outreach (PCO), which is an initiative of the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force’s, Public Safety Subcommittee.
- PCO is a collaboration of 28 police departments in Plymouth County dedicated to providing immediate outreach to overdose victims.
Plymouth County DECI was created to bring services and support to families touched by the opioid crisis by providing services directly to the child and family, and by helping to navigate complex systems.
Plymouth County DECI will bring awareness and training to agencies that encounter drug-endangered children and will assist agencies to identify and engage drug-endangered children.
By enhancing the response of our police departments and schools with trauma-informed training and assisting individual families, Plymouth County DECI is helping children become more resilient to break the cycle of addiction.
For more information or to make a referral, contact Kati Mapa, DEC Clinical Advocate: (781) 563-4000; kati.mapa@ccbrockton.org